
Get In Touch With University Psychological Associates, P.A.

We are Very Interested in Your Comments and Concerns

If you have these please email our practice manager directly:

Amanda Adams

(704) 547-1483 Ext 201.



(704) 547-1483

Phone Assistance Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Fri: 8:30am - 12:00pm


Clinical Hours
Mon-Thurs: 7am-8pm
Fri: 7am - 6pm

Request an Appointment

University Location

Fax:  704-547-0052

Uptown Location

This is a shared office space.  The house is sage green.

From East Blvd. you will turn onto Lennox Avenue.  There will be a narrow gravel driveway on the right.  Please park and enter through the backdoor.  Our office door is the first door on the left. 

IF the door is closed, please find a seat and your therapist will be out to get you at your appointment time.

Huntersville Location

This is a shared office space.  

We are located inside the Huntersville Professional Building.  

The doors are automatically locked at 5 pm.  IF you have a scheduled appointment your therapist will meet you at the front entrance.